In today’s hectic lifestyle hair fall is becoming a common issue for both men and women.

Hair fall generally caused by today’s hectic lifestyle, stress, unhealthy diet, harmful environmental pollutants, etc. These all directly affect your hair health and make it very dull, lifeless, and weak.

We cannot do anything about the pollution, but we can definitely take care of our hair by adding effective natural homemade hair masks in our daily hair care routine to prevent hair damage and hair fall.

If you are suffering from hair fall issues, then you might have also chances for other scalp issues such as dandruff, hair thinning, baldness, and premature greying.

To solve these all hair-related issues, Onion Oil is one of the best solutions to solve all of your hair and scalp-related issues. Apply this Onion hair oil regularly and also eat a healthy diet along with using this onion oil.

There are lots of other onion oil benefits for hair, that you should need to know.

In this article, you will learn, all the onion hair oil benefits, how to make onion oil at home? and the best homemade onion oil masks for hair, that promote hair growth faster and keep your hair healthy and soft.

Onion hair oil benefits

Red onion oil is excellent for your hair, which contains a rich source of Sulphur, an important element for hair growth.

Apply red onion hair oil to your scalp and hair. It increases collagen production and strengthens your hair roots and follicles, which makes your hair longer and thicker.

 Here is a list of some amazing benefits of onion oil for hair.

1. Onion Oil Promotes Hair Growth

Onion hair oil nourishes your scalp and hair that strengthens your hair roots and follicles.

Onion juice contains lots of antioxidants, which promote hair growth faster and also prevent hair fall.

2. Increase Blood circulation of hair follicles

Apply onion hair oil regularly, and massage it into your scalp, which increases the blood circulation of your hair follicles.

And make your hair thicker and longer. 

3. Fights Bacterial Infection and Dandruff

Red onion contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that remove scalp infections from your hair roots.

That removes dandruff from the hair and prevents hair breakage.

4. Treat hair baldness and increase hair density

Regular use of this magical onion oil can also improve hair regrowth and its density.

It will also treat baldness and effectively prevent hair loss.


5. Onion oil prevents hair breakage and split ends

Onion oil contains a rich amount of sulfur which prevents further hair breakage, thinning of hair, and split ends.

Onion also contains other important nutrients that help you to prevents oxidation of hair.

6. Onion oil prevents premature graying

Onion juice also balances the regular pH levels of your hair, which helps you to prevent premature greying of hair.

7. Improve the quality of hair follicles

The presence of sulfur in onion juice makes your hair nourished and also improves the quality of hair follicles.

8. Onion oil condition your hair deeply

Onion oil can be used as a conditioner before using shampoo, that controls frizz and dryness of your hair.

9. Makes your hair healthy and shiny

If you want to increase the benefits of onion oil, mix it with any carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil.

That makes your hair shiny and healthy. And it also improves the texture of your hair.

10. Increase the length of your hair

Onion oil promotes hair growth faster as well as also increases the length of your hair.

11. Fights Lice Infestation

Red onion has a very pungent smell. that helps in fights the scalp infection and also removes the lice from your head.

If you use red onion hair oil on regular basis, it helps to avert lice infestation in the future.

How to make onion oil at home?

If you don’t want to use readymade onion oil, then you can also make onion oil at home easily.

To make this homemade onion hair oil follow the below recipe,

onion hair oil


  • 5 kg -Onion
  • 400 ml coconut oil or sesame oil

How to Make?

  1. Chop the onion and grind them into a mixture to make an onion paste.
  2. Take a nonstick pan and add some coconut oil or sesame oil to it.
  3. Turn on the flame and add an onion paste into that oil.
  4. Mix them well for 2 minutes and slow down the flame.
  5. keep stirring that mixture well for 20 minutes.
  6. Switch off the flame and let the mixture cool down.
  7. Once, it cooled, a strain that oil with a muslin cloth.
  8. And now, your homemade onion oil is ready to use.
  9. You can store this onion hair oil in an airtight container and used it for up to 6 months.

How to use onion oil on hair?

You can use Onion oil in two ways,

I) Directly applying

II) hot oil treatment

I) Directly applying

If you want to use onion oil without heating it,

  • Take a few drops of pure onion hair oil in your palms.
  • And massage it on your scalp for 15 minutes.
  • Make sure, massage it in a circular with gentle pressure.
  • Leave it on for 3 hours or you can leave it overnight too.
  • Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner.
  • Use this onion oil twice a week for best results.

II) Hot oil treatment.

And if you use this onion oil as a hot oil treatment then follow these below steps,

  • Mix onion oil with any carrier oil like olive oil or almond oil.
  • Turn on the flame and heat the oil up to a lukewarm temperature.
  • Massage it on your scalp and all over your hair.
  • Keep it overnight and wash it off the next morning with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.
  • Repeat this process every time before every hair washes to get beautiful long and thick hair.

You can also use onion oil as a hair mask to get more benefits of onion oil.

Homemade Onion oil hair mask

Here is a list of some amazing homemade onion oil hair masks, that will nourish your hair and make it very healthy and growing.

Onion oil for dry hair

  • If you have dry and frizzy hair, then mix onion oil with some honey to deeply condition and hydrate your hair. And it also makes your hair soft and silky.

Onion oil for hair growth

  • To grow your hair faster, mix some onion hair oil with potato juice and massage it on your scalp for few minutes. It will make your hair thicker and longer.

Onion oil for shiny hair

  • If you want soft and shiny hair, mix some onion oil with egg yolk and apply it on your scalp and hair for few minutes.

Onion oil for deeply condition hair

  • You can also mix onion oil with castor oil for a deep condition of your hair and it will also strengthen your hair roots and hair strands.

Onion oil for fungal infection

  • Mix onion oil with ginger juice to treat the scalp conditions like fungal or bacterial infections and inflammation.

Side effects of onion oil on hair

  • Before using onion oil on your hair, do a patch test on your inner arm and wait for 24 hours to show any reaction.
  • If you have sensitive skin, then do not leave the oil on your scalp for a long time or overnight. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours, it’s enough to get the onion hair oil benefits.
  • Onion oil has an extremely pungent smell. so if you are very sensitive, then add a few drops of any fragrant essential oil into onion oil before using it.
  • Homemade onion oil might have some eye-tearing effects, so make sure that use it with the only recommended amount.
  • Do not over-massage onion oil on your scalp, may cause inflammation, especially if you have a habit of scratching your head.


Onion oil the best solution for all types of hair-related issues.

Onion oil contains a rich amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrition, that will make your hair thicker, longer, and healthier.

And it also prevents hair fall and delays premature graying of hair.

You can make onion oil easily at home by following the recipe, that mentioned above in this article.

Also, use onion oil hair masks to get more benefits of onion oil.

But make sure, before applying onion hair oil, consider some precautions, that mentioned above.

Use onion oil on regular basis and get the healthy and beautiful hair, that you always wanted.

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FAQ on onion hair oil benefits

Q-1  Can I apply onion hair oil daily?

Ans. No, it is not recommended, you can use onion hair oil only once or sometimes twice a week. Do not use it over. It contains sulfur, which can cause irritation and itchiness on your scalp.

Q-2  How long should I keep onion oil in my hair?

Ans. After massaging oil on your scalp, you can leave it for 2 to 3 hours. Or you can also leave it overnight.

Q-3  Does onion oil causes hair fall?

Ans. No, Onion oil cannot cause hair fall. Even it can prevent hair fall.

It will increase boost blood circulation on your scalp and improve hair growth and texture.

But it can possible, only if you over-massage it on your scalp. It may cause scalp infection and hair loss in some people.

Q-4  What is the best onion oil hair mask for preventing grey hair?

Ans. To prepare a hair mask to prevent premature grey hair, mix onion oil with few drops of lemon juice and apply it to your scalp and hair for 30 minutes.

Then wash it with mild shampoo and conditioner.

Q-5  Can I Leave Onion Juice on My Hair Overnight?

Ans. Yes, you can. For getting the more benefits of red onion, apply fresh onion juice on your scalp and massage it for few minutes. Leave onion juice on your hair at least for 2 to 3 hours. Even better, if you leave it overnight.

And then rinse it with normal water in the morning and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Q-6  Can Onion Oil Cure Baldness?

Ans. Onion contains Sulfur and sulfur is the key ingredient found in Keratin. And it is best for hair regrowth.

Regular use of onion oil prevents hair breakage, split ends, and makes your hair roots stronger.

Add onion oil to your daily hair care routine. It can increase hair growth and also curing baldness.