Are you really fed up with dry, frizzy, and damaged hair?

There is only one solution to keep the dryness away is to make your hair smooth with deep conditioning treatments that help to seal the moisture of your hair and keep it hydrated.

Conditioner helps keep your hair shaft smooth, frizz-free, healthy, and shiny.

It also helps to repair damage and get rid of tangles.

However, deep conditioning treatments might be expensive to use regularly.

There are different types of conditioners available on the market, but no one does more effective than natural ingredients.

So, here is a list of the 7 best homemade deep conditioner, that will keep your hair smooth, healthy, and hydrated.

Take a look!

But first, it is important to know exactly what is deep conditioning? And how to use deep conditioning treatment in our hair care routine?

Keep reading!

What is the deep Conditioning method?

Deep conditioning is one type of treatment, in which your hair is coated with nourishing products. It seals your hair moisture to make it healthy, smooth, hydrated, and strong.

And it will also help to reduce the damage caused by hair styling products and chemicals.

How To Deep Conditioning Your Hair At Home?

Step 1: Choose The Right Hair Product.

There are several hair products available at the market, but make sure, you need to choose the right hair product according to your hair type.

For that, first, you need to know your exact hair type and scalp type, and then you should choose your hair product.

You can also use DIY deep conditioner made from natural ingredients to make your hair smooth, shiny, and healthy.

Step 2: Wash Your Hair With Mild Shampoo.

Ensure that, before applying any deep container, your scalp and hair are clean and oil-free.

Use a mild shampoo for washing your hair, that does not strip its natural essential oil and moisture.

Step 3: Apply Your Deep-Conditioner to Clean Hair.

Apply the conditioner on your hair shaft to hair ends, do not apply it to your hair roots.

Your hair ends are the driest part of your hair, so make sure, apply a sufficient amount of conditioner to your hair ends.

Step 4: Keep The Mask On For few minutes To Set In Properly.

Different Deep Conditioners may suggest different Keep-on times.

So, according to your product instructions, leave it on for a few minutes to set it properly.

Most deep-conditioners are suggested to leave on for about 30 minutes or less.

Step 5: You can Use some Heat If suggested.

blow dry hair

Some products may recommend using a blow-dryer or any other heat source to speed-up the deep conditioning process.

Make sure, your heat source is not too hot.

Step 6: Wash with Cool or normal Water.

And the last step, wash your hair with cool water to make your hair cuticles to close-up.

Then dry your hair naturally to make it smooth and healthy.

What are the Benefits Of A Deep-Conditioning Treatment?

homemade hair conditioner
  1. Deep Conditioners keep your hair hydrated.
  2. By using a deep-containing treatment, your hair will become smooth and shiny.
  3. DIY deep conditioner Remove all the tangles and control the fizz of your hair.
  4. By using a homemade deep conditioner, you can also repair your damaged hair.
  5. Deep conditioners also contain nutrients, that help you to reduce breakage and strengthening your follicles to make them very strong.

You don’t need to use expensive hair products to repair dry, frizzy, or damaged hair. These genius homemade deep conditioning recipes work like a charm to make your hair silky and shiny.

Effective 7 DIY deep conditioner at home.

Take a look!

Homemade Deep-Conditioner

How to make DIY deep conditioner at home?

1. Banana homemade deep conditioner for dry hair

Homemade deep conditioner for hair growth

Bananas are a rich source of natural oils and vitamins. That controls frizz of your hair and reduces breakage.

Bananas are great for deep-conditioning your hair.

banana hair mask

Ingredients you need

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 3 tablespoon of yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

How To Use

  1. Mash both the bananas and mix them with 3 tablespoons of yogurt.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and honey.
  3. Mix all the ingredients well in a mixing bowl to make a smooth paste.
  4. Apply it to all your hair shafts to ends.
  5. Leave this mask on for about 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse it off with normal water.

2. Honey Diy Deep Conditioning Treatment For Soft Hair

Honey will moisturize your hair and keep it hydrated. This homemade honey deep conditioner hair mask best for reducing breakage to keep it soft and shiny.


Ingredients you need

  • 5 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil

How To Use

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl to make a smooth texture.
  2. Apply the mask on your hair and massage it for few minutes.
  3. Keep it on for about an hour.
  4. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and normal water.
  5. The hair mask will leave your hair amazingly smelling sweet.

3. Egg & Olive oil Homemade Deep Conditioning treatment

Deep conditioning hair mask at home

Eggs are rich in protein, while olive oil is a great natural moisturizer.

That can make your hair healthy and smooth.

egg hair mask for hair growth

Ingredients you need

  •  One egg
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

How To Use

  1. Mix an egg with olive oil in a mixing bowl.
  2. Apply it to your hair and massage it for few minutes.
  3. Leave this mask for about an hour.
  4. Then wash it off with cool water.

4. Aloe Vera Deep Conditioning Treatment to control frizz

Homemade deep conditioner for damaged hair

This aloe vera homemade deep conditioner is best for control frizz and reduces breakage.

Aloe vera

Ingredients you need

  •  3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon of Honey

How To Use

  1. Mix both the aloe vera and honey together in a mixing bowl to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply it to your hair and massage it into your roots for few minutes.
  3. Keep it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and cool water.

5. Avocado Homemade Deep Conditioner

Homemade deep conditioner for shedding hair


Ingredients you need

  • 1 mash avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons of water

How To Use

  1. Mash avocado and mix it with other ingredients to make a smooth texture.
  2. Apply the conditioner to your hair and scalp. Then massage it for two minutes.
  3. And leave it to dry for 2 hours.
  4. Then rinse it off with mild shampoo and normal water.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar DIY Deep Conditioning method

DIY hair conditioner

Apple cider vinegar hair mask will make your hair soft and, add more shine to your hair.

It will keep your hair tangle-free and also it effectively works for itchy scalp.

apple cider vinegar

Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 cup of normal water

How To Use

  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Pour into a spray bottle. And use this spray all over your hair and massage it into roots for 5 minutes.
  3. Keep it on for 20 minutes
  4. Rinse it off with normal water.

7. Mayonnaise DIY Deep Conditioning Treatment

Homemade deep conditioner for damaged hair

mayonnaise homemade home conditioner

Ingredients you need

  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 4 tablespoon of yogurt
  • 1 egg whites

How To Use

  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and whisk for few minutes to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and massage it to your hair ends for 2 minutes. Then wear a shower cap and leave it for about 45 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with normal warm water.

By using these deep conditioning treatments, you can reduce dullness, fizziness and restore the luster of your hair. And make your dry hair soft and healthy with just a little extra care.

How Long Should You Leave the conditioner On?

It is recommended that you should leave on your deep-conditioner for not more than 35 minutes.

Over-conditioning your hair can weigh your hair down.

How Often Should You Deep-Condition Your Hair?

Deep Conditioning your hair totally depends on your hair type.

If your hair is smooth, fine, and straight, then you can use deep conditioning one or two times a month is sufficient.

Over conditioning, your hair can weigh your hair down and making it too difficult to manage and style properly.

If your hair thick and dry, you can use a deep conditioner once a week.

It is suggested to talk to your hairstylist about how often you should deep-condition your hair?

Dos And Don’ts Of Deep-Conditioning Treatment

  1. Choose the right Hair product according to your hair type.
  2. Deep conditioning your hair regularly according to your hair type.
  3. You can use heat and steam to speed up the process if required.
  4. Use homemade deep conditioner to get significant results.
  1. Do not leave the conditioner for a long time. It can weigh down your hair.
  2. Do not choose any hair conditioner for deep conditioning. Choose it according to your hair type.


If you use homemade natural deep container regularly and follow the right process, you can definitely achieve soft, shiny, and lustrous hair.

Talk to your hairstylist for the ideal deep-conditioning treatment for your hair type.

FAQ For Homemade Deep conditioner

Q-1 What can I add to my conditioner to make it a deep conditioner?

Ans. You can add some natural ingredients with a regular conditioner to make it a deep conditioner.

  • Yogurt
  • Honey
  • Virgin Olive Oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • Avocados.
  • Shea Butter
  • Banana

Q-2 Can You Condition Your Hair After Deep-Conditioning It?

Ans. Deep-conditioning treatment itself makes your hair soft, shiny and keeps it hydrated and moisturized. It is not required to condition your hair if you have deep-conditioned it already. Over conditioning may make your hair weigh down.

Q-3 Can I Deep-Conditioning my hair every day?

Ans. Deep-condition your hair every day can cause the hair to weigh down.

And if is over moisturized, then it produces imbalance. It will make your hair prone to breakage. It is also preventing other hair products from penetrating through your hair shaft and reduces their efficacy to make it dull.

Q-4 How do you make a DIY deep conditioner at home?

Ans. Mix ½ cup plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey in a mixing bowl to make a smooth paste. Apply this mask to your hair and scalp. Keep it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with normal water.