Fenugreek seeds for hair

Do you know how this secret natural ingredient fenugreek seeds for hair are surprising benefits to your hair and scalp?

How does fenugreek help hair?

These fenugreek seeds are great for your hair and scalp from hair fall to dandruff to baldness.

Fenugreek seeds for hair are most popular used as a natural hair mask for thinning hair and other hair and scalp-related problems, such as dandruff, and dry or itchy scalp.

It is also known as ‘methi seeds’.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium, making them an excellent DIY home solution for hair thinning and hair fall.

They are easily found in your kitchen. You can make a fenugreek seeds hair mask for deeply condition dry hair and add extra bounce and luster to your hair.

In this article, you will learn all the fenugreek seeds Benefits and how to use fenugreek seeds powder for hair?

Take a look!

Benefits of fenugreek seeds for hair

Benefits of methi seeds for hair

Here is a list of 13 Amazing Benefits of Using Fenugreek or Methi Seeds for Hair growth.

Keep reading!

1)         Fenugreek Seeds can help to remove dandruff from your hair.

2)         It works great for control hair fall and hair loss.

3)         Methi seeds are also effective for preventing premature hair greying.

4)         They can also effective for promoting hair growth.

5)         It can make your hair soft, silky, and shiny.

6)         Methi seeds can also control excess oil on your scalp.

7)         It will also repair your damaged hair.

8)         You can use fenugreek seeds powder hair mask to deeply condition your hair.

9)         It will make your hair glossy and lustrous.

10)       Methi seeds will make your dry hair soft and also prevent frizz and tangles.

11)       You can also use methi seeds for curly hair.

12)       Fenugreek seeds also help you with scalp itching and dryness.

How to Use Fenugreek seeds for hair?

Fenugreek seeds hair mask

Here is a list of 11 fenugreek seeds hair masks for hair growth, that can improve your hair and scalp health.

1. Fenugreek Seeds Hair mask for Remove Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds are best for remove scalp-related problems like dandruff and split ends.

yogurt mask


  • 2 tablespoon Soaked fenugreek seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt

How to use?

  1. Grind the soaked methi seeds and mix them with some yogurt
  2. Apply this paste all over your hair and leave it for about 20 minutes.
  3. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and luck-warm water.
  4. Repeat this methi hair mask twice a week to quickly remove dandruff.

2. Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Fall

Fenugreek for hair

Fenugreek seeds are very effective for improving scalp health and making the hair follicles strong.

fenugreek and lemon for dandruff
Image source : shutterstock.com


  • Soaked fenugreek seeds
  • Lemon juice and some water

How to use?

  • Blend the soaked methi seeds and mixed them with some water and lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture all over your hair and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with normal water and shampoo.
  • Use this remedy once a week to strengthen your hair roots.

3. Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Growth

Fenugreek seeds hair mask is most popular to promote hair growth faster and also improve hair texture.

Aloe vera


  • Half cup of Soaked fenugreek seeds paste
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • Few drops of rosemary oil

How to use?

  1. Mix soaked methi seeds paste with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and few drops of rosemary oil.
  2. Mix it well and apply the paste to your scalp.
  3. Leave it for about 40 minutes and then wash it off.
  4. Repeat this fenugreek hair mask at least once a week to boost hair growth faster.

4. Fenugreek seeds for prevents Premature Greys

This is the best DIY methi hair pack for control premature gray hair.

methi seeds for hair
Image source : shutterstock.com


  • Half cup of Fenugreek seeds paste
  • Some curry leaves

How to use?

  1. Grind curry leaves with fenugreek seeds and makes a smooth paste.
  2. Apply it to your scalp and hair and keep it for about 30 minutes.
  3. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and cold water.
  4. Repeat this methi seeds hair pack once a week to get the best results.

5. Fenugreek Seeds for soft, shiny hair

You can use fenugreek seeds hai mask for soft, shiny hair.

fenugreek seeds hair pack


  • A Glass of water with fenugreek seeds

How to use?

  1. Keep a glass of water with fenugreek seeds to soak overnight.
  2. Drink this soaked fenugreek seeds water the next morning.
  3. Repeat this process thrice a week to get soft, silky, and shiny hair.

6. Methi seeds for control Excess Oil on Scalp

If you have oily hair, then this is the best remedy for you.

honey with apple cider vinegar


  • Soaked fenugreek seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

How to use?

  1. Make a paste of half cup of soaked fenugreek seeds and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Apply to your scalp and hair and keep it on for 30 minutes.
  3. Then wash it off with a mild, creamy shampoo and normal water.
  4. Repeat this methi seeds DIY remedy once a week to get amazing results.

7. Fenugreek Seeds for Damaged Hair

fenugreek seeds can also reverse hair damage like split ends, frizz, and weak hair roots.


  • Soaked methi seeds paste
  • Coconut milk

How to use?

  1. Mix fenugreek seeds paste with some coconut milk to make a smooth paste.
  2. Cover your hair with a shower cap and keep it on for about 30 minutes to soak up all the goodness.
  3. Then Wash that methi mask with a mild shampoo and cold water
  4. Repeat the process twice a week to get amazing quicker results.

8. Methi Seeds as Hair Conditioner

You can also use fenugreek seeds for deeply conditioning your hair.


  • 10 grams of soaked methi seeds

How to use?

  1. Soak methi seeds in water overnight
  2. And grind them into a thin paste, next morning
  3. Apply it on your hair and leave it on for at least 35 minutes.
  4. Then wash your hair with cold water and mild shampoo as usual.
  5. Use this remedy twice a week to condition your hair deeply.

9. Fenugreek Seeds for Glossy and lustrous Hair

Try this fenugreek seeds hair mask for glossy and lustrous hair.

curd and honey
Image : Shutterstock.com


  • Half cup of Soaked methi seeds paste
  • 2 tablespoons of curd
  • Few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

How to use?

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well to make a fine paste
  2. Apply this methi hair pack all over your hair and scalp. And keep it for about 45 minutes.
  3. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and water.
  4. Use this fenugreek hair mask once a week to get glossy, shiny hair every day.

10. Fenugreek seeds for Frizz-Free, Detangled, and soft Hair

This can also detangle your hair and make it frizz-free and soft.

coconut oil


  • 3 tablespoons of soaked methi seeds paste
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

How to use?

  1. Mix fenugreek paste and coconut oil together in a small bowl and mix them to make a smooth paste
  2. Apply this methi mask to your hair and scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  3. Then wash it off with mild shampoo and Luke warm water.
  4. Repeat this methi hair mask twice a week to get soft, shiny, and frizz-free hair faster.

11. Methi Seeds for Dry Hair

If you have very dry and dull hair, then add fenugreek seeds to your daily hair care routine and get silky-smooth hair forever.

fenugreek for hair


  • Half cup of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of curd
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

How to use?

  1. Take some methi seeds and soak in a water overnight
  2. The next morning, Grind them into a fine paste and mix honey, curd, and olive oil into that paste and mix them well
  3. Apply this paste on your hair, scalp and leave it for about 45 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with normal water and shampoo.
  5. Do this process twice a week to get gorgeous smooth hair naturally.

Fenugreek seeds for a hair supplement

  • You can also use fenugreek seeds supplements in a powdered or liquid form.
  • It will not only benefit your hair, but it also benefits your health by improving digestion, blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, and calming inflammation in the body. That will improve overall health.
  • Fenugreek is mostly safe for many people, but still, you should avoid fenugreek supplements, if you’re pregnant or allergic to peanuts or chickpeas.
  • And If you are unsure about it, immediately consult your doctor before adding any supplements to your daily routine.

Can I use fenugreek seeds on my hair every day?

Fenugreek seeds are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C, folic acid, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and iron.

According to Hair experts, you can use soaked fenugreek seeds for daily hair woes.

How long can you leave in a fenugreek mask?

If you use a fenugreek seeds hair mask on your hair, then leave it for about at least 15 minutes is requires to soak its goodness.

When it starts to feel dry and pulls on your hair follicles, then you can wash it off with water and mild shampoo. It gives you the best results.


Fenugreek seeds are mostly used as a home treatment for hair fall and dandruff.

There are many different ways to use fenugreek seeds for hair.

You can use fenugreek seeds as a supplement or soak the seeds and use their paste form with other natural ingredients based on the particular hair issue.

But, it is suggested to always consult a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your daily routine.

FAQ for How to Use Fenugreek seeds for Hair?

Q-1  Does fenugreek water good for hair growth?

AnsYes, you can drink fenugreek water for promoting hair growth, increase hair density or volume and reduce dandruff and roughness. Or you can also use fenugreek seeds water for washing your hair.

Q-2  How do I use fenugreek seeds for hair thickening?

Ans. You can thicken the hair by using a methi seeds hair mask, which made with 1-tablespoon of soaked fenugreek seeds paste, 1-tablespoon sesame seeds powder,2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of castor oil.

Use this hair mask at least once a week to thicken your hair faster.

Q-3  Does fenugreek change hair color?

Ans. No, fenugreek seeds can help you to prevent premature greying and retain your natural hair color. They will not change your hair color.

Q-4  How can I get methi seeds smell out of my hair?

Ans.  There are many ways to get fenugreek seeds to smell out of your hair,
1. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar or a fragrant mild shampoo or add a few tablespoons of honey to your hair conditioner to remove the methi smell from hair.

Q-5  Can I apply fenugreek seeds paste on oiled hair?

Ans. Yes, you can use fenugreek paste on oiled Hair. They will improve the efficacy of the hair mask.