Do you really want clear and spotless skin? But also stressed about how to get clear skin? and want some skincare tips to remove pimples. 

This ultimate guide on how to get clear and spotless skin will help you to solve all your acne-related problems and make your skin beautiful, glowing, and crystal clear.

There are many beauty products available in the market, that promise to remove acne, scars, pimples and gives you beautiful clear skin.

But, there is another easiest way to get rid of pimples is to stick to natural DIY home remedies as they are safe, effective, and more reliable.

These remedies are nothing fancy, and also not more expensive, actually, some natural ingredients are normally available in your kitchen, so you can use it every day to remove acne and pimples. and, it will make your skin smooth, clear, and radiant.

Here we listed some amazing powerful skincare tips and home remedies for clear skin that actually works like magic for your skin.

And it will help you to get the clear and spotless skin that you always wanted.

These are basic but really important. It really works for me and I am pretty sure all of these will work for you as well.

Tips For Clear Skin

How To Get Clear Skin?

People may try these amazing skincare tips for getting clear skin fast.

1. Stay Hydrated

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day to hydrate the skin, and it will make your skin nourished, clear, glowing and, radiant naturally.


2. Wash your face Twice In A Day

Wash your face at least twice a day and after sweating immediately is recommended.

Cleansing will remove all dirt, debris, and impurities from your skin and keep it clean and glowing.

Use a mild cleanser for cleaning that does not contain any harsh chemicals is must be needed. That balances your skin’s pH levels.   

3. Use A Toner

Toners are used to remove all dirt from your skin.

It will keep your skin healthy and clear with its pH-balancing properties.

4. Moisturize well Regularly

After cleansing the face, you have to apply moisturizer is require to keep your skin nourished and hydrating.

It will also prevent acne, breakouts, and overproduction of oil on your skin

5. Always Use sunscreen

If there is a cloudy day or sunny day, apply sunscreen every day, before stepping out from your home is a must needed.

It will protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and, also protect your skin from damaging and tanning.

6. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliate your skin at least once a week is recommended.

It will remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and impurities from the skin to make it fresh and healthy.

You can also use natural homemade scrub to exfoliate.

  • Mix tomato juice and some sugar in a bowl.
  • Apply it on your face and gently massage it for 5 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with cold water.
  • It will make your skin clear, fair, and flawless.

7. Avoid touching your face

Touching your face with your hands can infect dirt, oils, bacteria on the skin and it leads to breakouts or acne.

8. Clean Your Makeup Brushes Regularly

Your makeup brushes carry also dirt and debris with makeup.

It will clog your pores and leads to breakouts.

So, gently wash your brushes regularly is recommended.

9. Eat healthy food

Diet For Clear & Healthy Skin

Nutrition is very important for good health and clear- beautiful skin.

You need to eat the right and healthy foods to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

You can eat cucumber, oranges, avocado, tomato, papaya, beetroot, banana, carrots, lemon, etc. anti-oxidant-rich foods for clean and spotless skin.

10. Get Enough Sleep

Your body needs sufficient sleep to produce the proteins that can fight infection, inflammation to stop breakouts, and acne.

Lack of sleep causes puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is enough sleep time.

11. Avoid Hot Shower

Hot water can strip out all the natural oils from our skin.

And in a result, our skin will become dull, dry, and scaly.

Always use cold water or lukewarm water to take a shower and also washing your hair with cold water is recommended.

12. Exercise For Glowing skin

Exercise releases toxins from your entire body and skin and it will help you to sweat it out.

You can do Yoga, Gym, Boxing, Aerobics, Dancing, walking whatever interests you.

If you are doing it consistently, then it will increase your blood circulation and also give a natural boost to your skin with more glow and shine.

It will keep your skin fuller, plumper, and tighter.

It will also make it healthy and glowing over a period of time.

13. Build A Proper Skincare Routine

Following a good skincare routine is a must require to keep your skin clear and healthy.

Steps For Morning Routine Should Include:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Moisturizing
  • Sunscreen
  • Makeup (If Require)

Steps For Nighttime Routine Should Include:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Moisturizing
  • Face serum

If you follow these skincare tips regularly, then you can definitely see the difference over a period of time.

If you include natural home remedies in your skincare regimen, then you will see a great difference in a short time and it will make your skin healthy and glowing that you always wanted.

Here is a list of effective home remedies that works amazing for your skin.

Home remedies for clear skin

How to get clear skin naturally?

1. Coconut Oil for Remove Darkness

coconut oil

coconut oil is a good natural moisturizer for dry and irritated skin.

It contains antimicrobial properties that help to keep the skin clean and infection-free and also make it clear and acne-free.

Coconut oil also helps to reduce dark circles around the eyes.

Ingredients you need

  • Virgin coconut oil
  • cotton pad

How To Use

  1. Apply the dots of oil on your skin and massage it with circular movements for 3 minutes.
  2. Let the oil soak in the skin for few minutes.
  3. Then Wipe off the extra oil with a cotton ball.
  4. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

How you should Do This

  • You can apply this mask once a day.
  • You can repeat this remedy for a few weeks to see amazing results and get clear-glowing skin.

2.Tomato juice and Curd For fair skin

Tomatoes have a lot of natural benefits for the skin and it contains a lot of antioxidants that protect your skin from UV damage.

This will make your skin healthy, glowing, and crystal clear.

It is also very useful for removing dark circles.

This is the best remedy for clear and spotless skin.


Ingredients you need

  • A tomato juice
  • 1 teaspoon of curd

How To Use

  1. Squeeze some tomato juice, add 1 teaspoon of curd.
  2. Mix it and apply on the all over face and neck.
  3. Wash after 20- 30 minutes with cold water.

How you should Do This

  • You can do this daily to get beautiful fair looking skin.

3. Rose Water & Lemon Juice For clean skin

Rose water

Rosewater is one of the best natural ingredient for clear and glowing skin.

Lemon contains vitamin C, which helps you with skin lightening and makes your skin spotless and blemishes-free.

It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties.

It will help you to remove dead skin cells and dirt from your face and, make your skin tighter and younger-looking.

Ingredients you need

  • Rosewater
  • Few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 Cotton pad

How To Use

  1. Mix both rose water and few drops of lemon juice in a mixing bowl.
  2. Apply it all over your skin with a cotton pad and massage it for 2 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

How you should Do This

  • Repeat this face mask at least 2 times a week.
  • It will remove sun tan and make your skin bright and glowing.

4. Aloe Vera, Honey & Gram flour

How To Remove Acne Scars?

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera helps to reduce inflammation and it prevents infecting your acne from bacteria.

It should improve the healing process if you will use it consistently.

Honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that will lock the moisture in your skin and, make it nourished and hydrated.

Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon gram flour
  • ½ tablespoon of honey

How To Use

  1. Take gram flour, aloe Vera gel, and honey in a bowl and mix it well.
  2. Apply it all over the face and neck area.
  3. Leave it for 20 minutes and then, wash it with normal tap water.

How you should Do This

  • You can apply this face pack 3 times a week to get clear skin fast.

5. Tea-tree oil For Remove Redness

How To Remove Pimple Marks?

tea-tree oil

The tea tree oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It can be used directly on the affected areas.

This is the best remedy to reduce redness, inflammation, and swelling.

Ingredients you need

  • Few drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 Cotton pad

How To Use

  1. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the cotton pad and dab on the acne-affected skin.
  2. Don’t use it all over the face, only on the affected area of the face.
  3. leave it overnight and rinse off in the morning for the best result.

How you should Do This

  • You can use this oil once a day to get clear skin.

Note: You can apply it to only acne affected area.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

How to get rid of pimples?

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which can help you for preventing infections.

The best thing about apple cider vinegar is, it cleanses the body and also cures acid reflux, which means you will have absolutely no acidity throughout the day.

It can prevent your pores from getting infected and inflamed.

The acids present in apple cider vinegar exfoliate the dead skin cells and make your skin layer clean, smooth, and healthy.

It also acts as an astringent that can prevent your pores from getting infected and inflamed.

This remedy is good to get fair and glowing skin.

Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • Cotton pad

How To Use

  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with clean water.
  2. Apply the paste with a cotton pad on your skin and leave it overnight.
  3. Wash it off in the morning with normal tap water.
  4. You can also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into one glass of warm water and take it on an empty stomach in the morning.

How you should Do This

  • You can use this remedy every night before going to bed for amazing results.

7. Oatmeal Powder, Honey & lemon juice

oatmeal face pack for fair skin

Oatmeal is the best natural exfoliator that can remove dead skin cells.

It is a good cleanser and a good moisturizer for naturally glowing skin.

You can also apply it to your body, it removes tan or blemishes on your skin.

This is the best remedy to remove tan and blemishes on the skin and it will make your skin clear and glowing.

Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal powder
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

How To Use

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and add a little bit of water (if required) to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mask on the clean face and neck.
  3. Start scrubbing your face in a circular and upward motion and massage it for few minutes.
  4. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with normal lukewarm water.

How you should Do This

  • You can apply this face pack 2 times a week to remove dead skin cells and it will make your skin clear.

8.Turmeric and olive oil For Glowing Skin

How To Get Clear skin?

turmeric for glowing skin

Turmeric contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that help in lightening blemishes and pigmentation on your skin.

Turmeric is mostly used to treat pimples, wrinkles, minor cuts, wounds, and acne.

Mixing it with olive oil, which works similar to the aloe vera that moisturizes the skin, repair sunburn, and makes your skin tone even.

Ingredients you need

  • olive oil
  • A pinch of turmeric powder

How To Use

  1. Apply the mixture to your skin.
  2. Keep it for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse your face with lukewarm water.

How you should Do This

  • You can use this remedy 3 to 4 days a week for excellent results.

9. Potato For Clear Skin

How To Get fair Skin?

Potato contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and enzyme properties that will nourish your skin and protect your skin from environmental and sun damage.

It helps you to get rid of spots, acne marks, and blemishes.

Potato contains a natural skin bleaching properties and it is acidic too.

That helps to whiten the skin and keep it glowing.

It also removes the dark circles and puffy eyes.


Ingredients you need

  • 1 potato

How To Use

  1. Cut a potato into round slices.
  2. Take one slice and rub it on the skin in circular motions for 5 minutes.
  3. Keep it for the other 5 minutes and wash it off with normal cold water.

How you should Do This

  • You can follow this remedy once a day to remove darkness.

10. Gree Tea, Honey & Lemon juice

How to Get Clear Skin?

green tea

Green tea has antioxidants properties that can help you to protect against skin issues like acne, pimples.

It will nourish, heal, and detoxify your body.

Doctors recommend that daily consumption of green tea make your body healthy and keep your skin glowing.

Ingredients you need

  • 1 Green tea bag
  • A cup of warm water
  • Lemon juice (according to taste)
  • Honey (according to taste)

How To Use

  1. Steep the green tea bag in a cup of warm water for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  2. Remove the teabag.
  3. You can add honey and Few drops of lemon juice according to your taste.

How you should Do This

  • You can drink 2 or 3 cups of green tea in a day for good results.


Following a proper skincare routine, eat antioxidant-rich foods, and focus on overall fitness will help you to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

You can also try the above natural home remedies to get clear skin.

These remedies and tips might help you to get clear and glowing skin in a few weeks, but not overnight.

Before trying any remedy, make sure to do a patch taste before trying it on the skin or consult your dermatologist to pick out the best remedy that suited to your skin type.

FAQ for How To Get Clear Skin

Q-1  How do you get clear skin fast?

Ans. Follow a proper skincare routine, eat healthy food, focus on overall fitness, and use natural ingredients.

That will make your skin clear and spotless. 

Q-2  How do you get clear skin overnight?

Ans. Home remedies are really effective to get clear skin, but it may take some time and effort to achieve it. It does not achieve overnight.

You can try apple cider vinegar to get clear skin fast.

Q-3  How to get clear skin for men?

AnsWays to get clear skin for man

Following a proper skincare routine, eat healthy food, focus on overall fitness, reduce smoking and alcohol, use some natural ingredients that will make your skin clear and spotless.