Are you really confuse about how to sleep with long hair?

When your hair gets a certain length, sleeping with that long hair will become annoying for you.

When you wake up in the morning, your hair may become tangled and frizzy. And that has become an extremely annoying thing for you. 

All your hair care efforts may become wasted if you don’t maintain a proper nighttime care routine for long hair.

But don’t worry! long hair doesn’t affect your sleep.

To deal with all of these problems, you just need to learn a few steps and tips on how to sleep with long hair at night?

In this article, you will learn the best ways to sleep with long hair.

If you follow these steps regularly, then I ensure you that, your hair looks as soft and healthy as you always wanted.



How to sleep with long hair?

Is it bad to tie your hair at night?

Do Sleep with tight bun or ponytails cause hair loss?

13 Steps To sleep with Long Hair

  1. Remove all hair extensions and accessories before going to bed
  2. Always brush your hair before going to sleep
  3. Use dry shampoo at night
  4. Never sleep with wet hair
  5. Massage your scalp regularly
  6. Apply hair serum at night
  7. Use hot oil treatment for nourishing hair at night
  8. Tiw Your hair in a loose braid or ponytail
  9. Do not use metal or rubber hair ties
  10. Wear your hair in a high bun
  11. Wear a sleep cap
  12. Avoid tight hairstyles
  13. Use silk or satin pillowcase


FAQ for How to Sleep with long hair?

Is It Bad to Tie Your Hair at Night?

It is totally depending on your hair length and hair type. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

If your hair length is short, then it is best to sleep with your hair open and down. It feels more comfortable to sleep with short hair.

Tying your hair tightly before sleeping can damage your hair roots and hair.

But if your hair length is too long, then you must need to tie your hair before going to bed. It helps you to prevents knots and breakage.

If you leave your long hair loose at night, then it can increase frizz and dryness.

For a long hair solution, before going to bed, tie your hair in a loose braid or ponytail that can prevent your hair from breakages and tangles.

Do sleep with tight bun or ponytails cause hair loss?

Yes, Definitely.

Tight ponytails, braids, buns or extensions, can pull your hair from the roots and give stress to the hair follicles.

These can damage your hair badly and make the hair roots weak.

As result, it creates a serious hair fall concern. And it can also cause traction alopecia.

how to sleep with long hair?

how to protect hair while sleeping?

Here is a list of some amazing simple 13 steps for sleeping with long hair, that do not harm your hair and prevent tangles and frizz in the morning.

1. Remove your hair extensions & Accessories before going to bed

  • Before going to sleep, remove all hair accessories and extensions are must necessary.
  • Clips and clip-in extensions can harm your hair throughout the day.
  • If you sleep with it, it may cause excessive tangling, which can damage your hair and extensions.

2. Always Brush Your Hair Before Going To sleep

brush hair
  • Gently brush your hair from hair roots to hair ends, before going to bed.
  • It will remove all tangles and also prevents further knots and also increase the blood flow to the scalp.
  • But make sure do not over-brushing your hair, and If your hair is wet, then never brush hair. it can break your hair easily and making hair roots weak.
  • For combing hair, always use a wide-toothed comb.

3. Use of Dry Shampoo at Night

  • If you feel your hair is very dirty and you don’t want to wash it at night. Then you can use a dry shampoo at night, before going to bed.
  • Dry shampoo can make your hair roots and hair shaft fresh removes excess sebum and extra oils.
  • And It gives your hair a natural voluminous and shiny look the next morning. But make sure, do not replace it with your regular wash.

4. Never Sleep with Wet Hair

how to sleep with long hair?

  • Try to avoid washing your hair at night. But if it is needed, then ensure that you will become fully dried before going to sleep. Or you can also use dry shampoo to clean your hair.
  • Your hair becomes very weak and easy to breakage when it is damp.
  • It is also extremely fragile and if you sleep with wet hair, it may lead to serious hair fall.
  • Also, your hair becomes really unruly the next morning.

5. Massage Your Scalp Regularly

  • Long, strong, and shiny hair starts with a healthy scalp.
  • So it is really important to take extra care of your scalp and massage it regularly to give relaxation.
  • Before going to sleep, massaging your scalp for just 5 minutes can increase blood circulation to the follicles and promote healthy hair growth.

6. Apply Hair Serum at night

  • Hair nourishing serums are the best for a treat your scalp and hair at night.
  • Apply Natural or good hair serum to your hair shaft overnight can rejuvenate your hair follicles and improve your hair health.
  • Also, it will keep your hair frizz-free and soft, when you wake up the next morning.
  • Use silicone-free hair serum, which is made with natural ingredients is best for your hair.
  • Also, you can use homemade nourishing hair serum, made with plain dilutes aloe vera gel.

7. Use Hot Oil Treatment for Nourishing Hair

Use a hot oil treatment at night, before going to bed is best for nourish your hair and scalp.

It can make your hair roots strong and also strengthen your hair to promote healthy hair growth.

If you use it overnight, then it may deeply penetrate into your hair follicles and act as a protective layer against any damage on your hair shaft and scalp, when you are asleep.

But make sure that, if you use this treatment at night, do not apply hair serums or dry shampoos during this treatment.

Follow the below simple steps to use hot oil treatment for hair at night.

coconut oil

Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons of avocado oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Coconut Oil

How to use?

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  2. Heat the mixture for 1 minute on a low flame.
  3. Then allow the oil to cool down for few minutes. It should be lukewarm, not too hot.
  4. Apply the oil on your scalp and hair and massage it gently for 10 minutes.
  5. Leave it overnight and wash it with a mild shampoo the next morning.
  6. Repeat the hot oil treatment once or twice a week to keep the hair roots strong to promote hair growth faster.

8. Tie your Hair into a loose braid or ponytail

how to tie hair at night?

If your hair is long, then it is must important to tie your hair in any loose hairstyle, before going to bed.

You can tie your hair in loose braids or ponytails.

It will keep your hair frizz-free and soft. And also prevents heavy knots, during sleeping to reduce damage and hair breakage.

9. Do not Use Metal or Rubber Hair Ties

When you do tie up your hair in a ponytail or bun, make sure that do not use metal and rubber hair ties.

It can damage your hair. Use soft, silk rubber bands for tying hair loose at night.

10. Wear Your Hair in A High Bun

how to wear your hair to bed?

tie hair in bun

Tying your hair in a high bun is one of the best and easiest damage-free hairstyles for sleep time at night.

Tie your hair in a loose bun in the crown region, that does not interfere with your sleep.

11. Wear A Sleep Cap

If you want to preserve your defined straight hair or curls during sleep, then you must wear a sleep hair cap. That made of silk or satin fabric.

This prevents any tangles or further frizz. And it gives your hair a smooth texture the next morning.

12. Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Tight hairstyles can damage your hair deeply. And it makes your hair roots weak.

Keep your braids, ponytails, or buns as loose as possible while you sleep.

13. Use Silk or Satin Pillowcase

silk pillowcase

Do not use a cotton pillowcase, while sleeping. It can damage your hair and also absorb moisture from your hair. And make it very dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

Always use a silk or satin pillowcase, which prevents your hair from damage and breakage.

And also helps your hair to keep it frizz-free and tangle-free.


All your hair care efforts may become wasted if you are not doing the proper nighttime hair care routine for your hair.

Improper hair care routine at night can damage your hair badly.

While you are asleep, your hair undergoes repairing processes such as reinforcement, repairing, and growth.

And this is the best time if you give your hair an essential nutrient, which is absorbed into your scalp intensely.

You should try some amazing hair care tips for how to sleep with long hair? that above mentioned in this article.

And I ensure you that you will get beautiful, healthy long hair forever.

FAQ For How to Sleep with Long Hair?

Q-1  How can I keep my hair straight when I asleep?

Ans. Wrap your hair in a silk or satin scarf.

It helps to prevent frizz and tangles in your hair during sleep. And your hair will keep straight, during the night.

Or you can also do a loose braid or ponytail at night.

Q-2  How to sleep with long hair man?

Ans. Follow these simple steps to prevents hair from damage at night.

  1. Tie hair in loose braid or bun
  2. Do not sleep with wet hair
  3. Use Nighttime serum
  4. Use silk or satin pillowcase
  5. Brush your hair before going to bed
  6. Do scalp massage regularly at night
  7. Use hot Oil treatment for nourishing hair