Do you really stress about how to whiten underarms? And also want to wear sleeveless clothes, bathing suits. but you cannot wear it, just because of dark underarms.

This article will help you for sure, you can lighten your dark underarms and wear any clothes, that you want. And look stunning, that you deserve.

There are several causes of dark underarms like genetics, tight clothes, shaving it too often, smoking, bacterial infection, hormonal disorder, dark patches of skin, etc…

For that, there are some medical treatments for underarms whitening and underarms cleaning available, that can help you to whiten your dark underarms.

But, when it comes to lightening underarms naturally and you don’t want to use any expensive chemical product to whiten dark underarms, Natural ingredients do wonders for that, and you will get beautiful, clean, and white underarms at home easily without paying a single penny, that you always wanted.

In this article, you will learn all the required things about how to lighten dark underarms, dark armpits cause, treatments, and underarms lightening home remedies.

Take a look!

What causes dark Underarms?

Dark armpits cause

Here is a list of some common causes (factors) of dark underarms, they might be responsible for Acanthosis nigricans (AN).

  • Genetics issue
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells
  • Tight clothes (friction)
  • Shaving it too often
  • A bacterial infection like erythrasma
  • Hyperpigmentation by Increased melanin
  • Dark patches on the skin
  • Smoking
  • Use of medication like birth control pills and high-dose niacin.
  • Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer

Tips to get rid of dark underarms

How to lighten underarms?

Underarms whitening

People with dark underarms can use these amazing simple habits (tips) to brighten the dark underarms.

  1. Avoid shaving your underarms with a laser. You can do waxing to clean your underarms. But, do not use both methods very often. It may cause dark underarms.
  2. Always apply natural moisturizer on your underarms just after waxing or shaving. Or you can use any shaving form before shaving. It can moisturize your underarms well and also reduces irritation.
  3. Always use natural home remedies to whiten your underarms, because they can lighten your underarms naturally at home without using any expensive products.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight, because obesity (overweight) is responsible for dark underarms.
  5. Always wear loose clothes, don’t wear tight clothes, it may cause dark underarms.
  6. Stop smoking to getting your underarms dark.

How to lighten dark underarms naturally at home?

1. Potato For dark underarms

How to whiten underarms naturally?

Potato is a natural bleaching agent. That helps you to lighten dark underarms naturally.


Ingredients you need

  • A Potato slices

How to Use Potato to Whiten Dark Underarms?

  1. Cut A potato into slices and rub it on dark underarms for 5 to 7 minutes.
  2. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with normal water and pat dry.
  3. Repeat the method twice a day to remove dark underarms quickly.

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2. Cucumber for lightening dark underarms

How to lighten underarms?

Cucumber has cooling and bleaching properties that help you to remove the darkness of your underarms.


Ingredients you need

  • A cucumber slices

How to Use

  1. Cut a cucumber into slices and rub it on black underarms for 3 to 5 minutes.
  2. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
  3. Repeat the remedy twice a day to remove dark underarms fast.

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3. Baking Soda to whiten dark underarms

How to whiten dark underarms?

Baking soda will help you to remove all dead skin cells of dark underarms and it also whitens it fast.


Ingredients you need

  • Baking soda
  • Normal water or rose water

how to whiten underarms using baking soda?

  1. Mix baking soda and some water to make a grainy paste.
  2. Apply it to your underarms in a circular motion and scrub it for 2 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with cold water and pat dry.
  4. Repeat it thrice a week for the best result.

4. Lemon for lighten underarms naturally

How to lighten dark underarms?

Lemons are acidic and it contains bleaching properties that will help you to lighten underarms and remove dead skin cells.


Ingredients you need

  • Lemon slices
  • Sugar

how to use?

  1. Take a slice of lemon and deep it into sugar.
  2. Rub the slices on your dark underarms for 1 minute.
  3. Keep it on for 5 minutes and then wash it with cool water.

NoteLemon can cause little itching and stings on sensitive skin. you can skip this remedy if your skin is very sensitive.

5. Orange peels to remove the darkness of underarms

How to remove underarm darkness?

Orange has also bleaching properties like lemon, which can help you to remove any darkness of the skin.

orange peels

Ingredients you need

  • Orange peels powder
  • Milk
  • Rosewater

how to Use?

  1. Take the orange peel powder and mix it with some milk and rose water.
  2. Apply the paste to dark underarms and scrub it for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with normal tap water and pat dry.
  4. Repeat the remedy thrice a week to remove the darkness of underarms quickly.

6.Turmeric for whiten black underarms

How to get rid of dark underarms?

This is the best remedy to whiten your dark underarms quickly.


Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons of Turmeric
  • Lemon juice
  • Rosewater

how to Use?

  1. Take turmeric and mix it with little lemon juice and rose water to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste evenly to your dark underarms and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash it with cold water and pat dry.
  4. Repeat the remedy twice a week to whitening underarms fast.

7. Coconut oil For lightening dark underarms

Underarms whitening

You can use coconut oil to remove the darkness of your underarms.

coconut oil

Ingredients you need

  • Coconut oil

how to Use?

  1. Massage a few drops of coconut oil on your underarms for 10 minutes.
  2. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash your armpits with normal lukewarm water.
  3. Repeat this remedy thrice a week to get the best result.

8. Apple cider vinegar to lighten dark underarms

How to remove the darkness of underarms?

Apple cider vinegar has natural bleaching properties, that will help you to remove darkness.

apple cider vinegar

Ingredients you need

  • Rice flour

  • Apple cider vinegar

how to Use?

  1. Take some rice flour and apple cider vinegar to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste to your dark underarms and scrub it for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with cold water and pat dry.
  4. Repeat the method thrice a week to get white underarms fast.

9. Tea Tree oil for whitening black underarms

You can whiten your underarms by using tea tree oil.
tea-tree oil

Ingredients you need

  • Tea tree oil
  • water

how to Use?

  1. Mix 5 to 7 drops of tea tree oil into some normal water.
  2. And apply it to your underarms area.
  3. Let it dry for 10 minutes and wash it with cold water.
  4. Repeat it every day after shower bath to lighten underarms quickly.

10. Curd for remove darkness

How to whiten underarms in 3 days?

You can also use curd to remove the darkness of your dark underarms.


Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 3 tablespoons of curd

how to Use?

  1. Mix some honey with a tablespoon of curd to form a thin paste.
  2. Apply it on underarms and scrub it for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  4. Repeat the remedy 3 times a week to remove darkness fast.

11. Does toothpaste really whiten your underarms?

Toothpaste for dark underarms

Yes, of course, it does! Toothpaste contains bleaching properties, which can lighten your dark underarms.

However, ensure that you should use only white toothpaste because colored toothpaste might irritate your sensitive underarms skin.

When Matcha green tea is a natural antioxidant that will scrub away all the dead skin cells and unclog the pores of your skin.


Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon White toothpaste
  • 1 tablespoon Matcha green tea powder

How to Use Toothpaste For whitening dark underarms?

  1. Mix white toothpaste and green tea powder in a mixing bowl and mix them well to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply that mixture to your underarms and scrub it for 2 minutes.
  3. Leave it for 10 minutes and wipe it out.
  4. Wash it with normal water and pat dry.

What are the medical treatments for dark underarms?

Armpit lightening treatments

underarms treatment

There are several types of medical treatments for whitening underarms available according to a different diagnosis. such as,

  • You can use laser therapy to clean underarms.
  • You can use creams and lotion that contains tretinoin, azelaic, hydroquinone, and kojic acid to remove the darkness of underarms.
  • You can use chemical peels treatment that contains beta hydroxyl acids and alpha hydroxyl acids for exfoliating skin.

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If you are stressed about your dark underarms, Then you have to talk to your doctor and get the suggestion according to your issue.

Or you can use some natural home remedies to lightening dark underarms at home. And also follow some good habits, mentioned above in article to prevent it from getting dark.

FAQ for How to whiten underarms?

Q-1  How should I clean my underarms area?

Ans. Soap and water are not enough to clean the underarm area on daily basis, you can use a loofah to remove all dirt and impurities of the underarms area regularly.

Also, you can use a body scrub once a week to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells from the underarm area.

Q-2 Does shaving cause dark underarms?

Ans. Yes, shaving it often can cause dark underarms. Oftenly Shaving will remove the top protective layer of the underarm skin.

And also sweat and friction (tight clothes) can cause dark underarms.

Q-3 How to whiten dark underarms?

Ans. It is not possible to lighten underarms overnight, but if you follow this remedy regularly, then it may remove the darkness of underarms quickly.

Toothpaste for dark underarms

Mix 1 tablespoon of white toothpaste and 1 tbs of matcha green tea powder in a bowl to make a smooth paste, rub it for 2 minutes, and wipe it off after 10 minutes. Repeat this method 3 times a week to remove the darkness of underarms quickly.