Do you really bother with your oily skin? And looking for the best daily skincare routine for oily skin.

Which will help you to reduce oil and balance it throughout the day. So, you can feel the freshness on your skin during the whole day.

In most cases, Oily skin is one of the common skin concerns, And it is also mainly responsible for acne, breakouts, and shiny complexion.

But don’t worry, you can solve this oily skin issue with the right skincare routine and good products, that is below mentioned in this article.

Keep Reading to learn more about oily skin and find the perfect daily oily skincare routine according to beauty experts.

What are the Causes of Oily Skin?

If your skin is oily, then your skin produces more oil than other skin types.

Our skin is a source of natural oils, and the skin has oil-producing glands, which known as sebaceous glands. This sebaceous gland produces natural oils, that will keep the moisture locked into the skin to keep it hydrated.

But, if your sebaceous gland produces excess oil, then it leads to oily acne-prone skin.

Or it can also result from some other factors, that are not under your control. Such as,

  • Genetics
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Using wrong skincare products
  • Humid Weather
  • Stress
  • Age
  • Diet etc…

But, do you confused about your skin is oily or not?

Check some below symptoms, and then determine if you have oily skin or not?

Symptoms of oily skin

  • Oily and shiny feeling skin within an hour after cleansing the face.
  • Frequent Breakouts and acne, when you are feeling hormone fluctuations.
  • Large noticeable open pores.
  • Thick and rough-looking skin.
  • Noticeable extra grease in T-zone, nose, forehead, and chin.
oily skin care

Daily Skincare Routine for oily Skin

Step by step skincare routine for oily skin

If your skin is oily and acne-prone, then you must use the perfect Skincare regimen for oily skin, that can moisturize your skin well and keep it hydrated during the whole day will give you an amazing result.

You can split your daily skincare routine for oily skin into two parts,

1)         Morning skincare routine for oily skin

2)         Night skincare routine for oily skin

Morning oily skincare routine will prevent your skin from sun exposure, dirt, and pollutants.

And Night oily skincare routine will repair the damage and breakage, that have been caused during the day to your skin.

1. Morning Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

acne prone skincare routine

Here are 4 essential steps of a morning skincare routine for oily skin, by following these steps properly, you will get significant results.

  1. Use Cleanser
  2. Use Toner
  3. Apply Moisturizer
  4. Must apply Sunscreen

I) Cleanser (Clean your face)


Start your morning skincare routine with clean your face with a gentle cleanser.

It will remove all the excess oil and impurities from your skin and also keeps your pores unclogged.

But make sure, that you are using the right cleanser for your oily skin is most important.

Skin experts suggest that, if you have oily skin, then use a cleanser, which can combat excess oil and balance your complexion.

Also, some great natural ingredients like, papaya and grapefruit are best for unclogged pores. So you can also use a natural mask for cleaning the face.

While using a cleanser, make sure, more focus on your T-zone area, where most of the excess oil build-up occurs.

II) Use Toner for oily skin


After cleaning your face, the second step is applying toner is a must needed in your daily skincare routine for oily skin.

Toner will balance your skin PH levels and unclog the pores to tighten your skin. Some toners do also repairing the damage caused by UV rays.

For Oily skin, you can use Toner, which contains ingredients such as, aloe vera, almond oil, honey, rose, elderflower, lychee seed extract, eucalyptus, and chamomile.

III) Apply Moisturizer

apply moisturizer

If your skin is oily, it doesn’t mean your skin does not need moisturizer.

Same as dry skin, oily skin also needs to be well moisturized. Moisturizing your skin can reduce sebum production during improving its texture.

But make sure, for oily skin, use non-greasy moisturizer is best for you.

There are several oil-free moisturizers available, that can also hydrate your skin without clogging up your pores.

You can use a gel-based moisturizer, which is oil-free and contain the right natural ingredients and acids that suit your oily skin.

IV) Always Use Sunscreen

apply sunscreen

Use sunscreen every single day is a must be needed, even there is a cloudy day or you are at home.

But make sure, do not to use sunscreens packed with oily ingredients. It can harm your skin.

Sunscreen also comes in a non-greasy texture, that is perfect for oily skin.

Or choose a lightweight formula that contains natural extracts and antioxidants. And protect your skin against the harsh UV rays of the sun.

2. Night Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Skincare routine for oily acne-prone skin

Here are 4 important steps of a night skincare routine for oily skin, by following these steps properly, you will get amazing results.

  1. Use Cleanser
  2. Apply Toner
  3. Apply Moisturizer
  4. Under Eye Cream
night skincare routine

I) Use Cleanser (Wash your Face)

Start your night skincare routine for oily skin with wash your face with a mild cleanser. And remove all your makeup and dirt.

A cleanser is best for removing makeup, but during the whole day, if you have not used any makeup, still at night always wash your face with a good cleanser is must be needed.

For oily skin, use a light water-based cleanser to remove excess oil, dirt, and impurities.

And make sure, always choose a cleanser for oily skin, which specially for your concern. Avoid using a cleanser, that contains alcohol, because it may irritate your skin and also cause flare-ups.

II) Apply Toner

After cleansing your face, apply toner which contains alpha-hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs).

That will be the best for your oily and acne-prone skin and also help your skin to fight acne and pigmentation.

If your skin is oily and you have acne concerns, then choose a toner that contains natural ingredients such as, White tea, rose, and witch hazel.

But if you have very oily, greasy, and sticky skin, then choose a lightweight non-greasy toner, that will really balance your skin’s PH levels to hydrate your skin.

III) Apply Moisturizer

Moisturizing your skin in the morning as well as in the evening is a must be needed.

For oily skin, choose a lightweight, oil-free, formula that can easily absorb you’re your skin.

Choose a moisturizer for oily skin, which contains salicylic acid, Retinaldehyde (Vitamin A), zinc, or glycolic acid, that will help you to treat your acne, unclogged pores, blemishes, discoloration, and other skin disorders.

IV) Use Under Eye Cream for dark circles

The skin under your eyes is very sensitive, so it can cause dark circles and puffy eyes concerns for many people.

Choose the under eye cream, which contains ingredients such as caffeine. That can help you to calm the skin around your eyes.

Also, you can use some natural ingredients such as potato, honey, and cucumber for your eyes, that can help you to reduce dark circle and puffy eyes naturally.

Weekly Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

best skincare routine for oily skin

1. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation is the most important step of your skincare routine.

Exfoliating your skin will remove all dead skin cells, impurities, and dirt from your skin. And you will get fresh, smooth skin.

Use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week is good for healthy and glowing skin.

You can use an exfoliator for oily skin, which is oil-free, alcohol-free, and contains menthol and eucalyptus.

It will help you to calm your skin and induce a cooling sensation.

Make sure, while scrubbing, to be gentle, because if your skin is oily, then it can be harsh on your skin.

And ensure that, do not over-exfoliate your skin. use a gentle exfoliator only once a week or max twice a week. Not more than that.

2. Use a Face mask for oily skin

homemade face pack

Use a good face mask once a week can keep your skin hydrated, soft, and bright.

Also, it can reduce the damage caused by regular exposure to pollutants during that week.

Use a Face Mask that contains silica and charcoal, which helps to remove all dead skin cells and impurities. Also, it will make your skin smooth, fair, and plump.

You can also use Red clay, which is effective in reducing excess oil and purifying open pores.

You can also use some homemade face packs for oily skin made with natural ingredients.

Here are we listed below, 2 homemade face packs for oily skin, that will help you to reduce excess oil of your skin and keep your skin looking fresh and soft.

Homemade Face Pack for Oily Skin

Oily skincare routine home remedies

1. Banana Face Pack

Banana contains anti-aging properties. That can help you to remove dark spots, and brighten up your dull skin.


Ingredients you need

  • 1 Ripe Banana
  • 2 drops of Lemon juice

How To Use?

  1. Take a ripe banana and mash it well and add 2 drops of lemon into a mixture to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply it to your face and neck.
  3. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  4. You will see an instant change in your skin. It will look very soft, fresh, and bright.

2. Aloe Vera Face pack for Oily skin

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties, that can help to solve most skin concerns.

It is a great natural moisturizer for oily skin. Aloe vera can also help you to reduce acne and prevent clogging of pores.

Aloe vera

Ingredients you need

  • 2 Tablespoons of Fresh Aloe vera Gel
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey

How To Use?

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of honey into a bowl to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply it on your face and neck, and after 20 minutes wash it off with lukewarm water.
  3. You will feel your skin will become very, fresh and oil-free.

3. Multani Mitti Face Pack For Oily Skin

Multani mitti is a great natural ingredient for oily skin. It contains vitamins and minerals.

And it is also a great natural exfoliator, that can reduce the dead cells from your skin, control oil production, and make your skin very glowing.

multani mitti
Image source :

Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti
  • Few drops of lemon juice

How To Use?

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) and a few drops of lemon juice in a bowl.
  2. Mix them well to form a smooth paste.
  3. Apply it on your face and neck, keep it for 15 minutes. And wash it with normal water.

Other Quick Tips for Oily Skin

Here are some other pro tips for oily skin.

Have a look!

1)         Wash your face at least twice a day. If you go for a workout, then after it completes, instantly wash your face.

2)         Always use a moisturizer on your face, but make sure, only use a moisturizer, that is lightweight and oil-free.

3)         Always use sunscreen to protect your skin from exposure and damage.

4)         You can use blotting papers to absorb all excess oil on your face during the move.

5)         Always remove your makeup, before going to sleep, because it may lead to acne on your oily skin.

6)         Always choose a product, that is lightweight, water-based, oil-free, and alcohol-free.

7)         Do not over-exfoliate your skin, it may harm your skin and strip the all-natural oils from it and make it duller.

8)         Do not touch your face or acne, again and again, it can infect your skin more.

9)         Always check expiration dates on products. It is a good habit and safe for you.

10)      Change your diet – You can add cucumber, avocados, salmon, tuna, nuts, bananas, lemons, and oranges to your regular diet to keep your skin hydrated and glowing and more even texture.


Oily skin is a common skin concern in most cases. It caused by many factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, age, sun exposure, diet, humid weather, etc.

Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, these three are the main steps of your daily skincare routine for oily skin.

So make sure always use the right products for oily skin, which is lightweight, water-based, and oil-free.

And Start a good skincare routine with the right products, that manage your oily skin and prevent acne, blemishes.

Washing your face twice a day, Choosing the right products, using blotting papers, applying sunscreen, and a healthy diet can also help you to oiliness from your skin, and make it clear and healthy.

FAQ For Skincare Routine for oily skin

Q-1  How can I take care of my oily skin on daily basis?

AnsFollow the steps of cleanser, toner, moisturize your face on a daily basis in the morning and night.

Wash your face twice a day, using sunscreen, exfoliate once a week, use homemade natural face packs, sleep well, healthy diet, these all are other pro tips to get rid of oily skin

Q-2 What foods make our skin oily?

Ans. Some foods produce excess oil on your face and it leads to acne and breakouts on your skin.
The foods include dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, butter, ghee) refined flours like Maida, coffee, and too much sugar can cause oily skin. If you have oily skin, then try to consume it under control for oily skin treatment.

Q-3 Is it bad or good to have oily skin?

Ans. For healthy and glowing skin, natural oils are most important for our skin.

Oily skin produces excess oil, which becomes a problem. But if you control it with a good skincare routine, then oily skin looks beautiful and glossy than other skin types.