Have you also been noticed large open pores on your face? And really confused about how to close open pores on face permanently?

Don’t worry! You are at the right place. I am here to help you. And will give you some tips and natural ways to close open pores on face permanently.

In this article, you will also learn the main causes of pores on face, types of open pores, medical treatments of close open pores on face permanently, and also some natural ways to reduce the size of open pores on the face.

Take a look!

What are Open Pores?

Open Pores Meaning

Open pores are tiny openings on face or skin, that mostly appear in people with oily or combination skin.

These open pores on your face will make your face look old and dull.

And these large pores also collect dirt and become clogged, which further leads to acne, pimples, blackheads, and excess production of sebum.

Open pores produce sebum, which helps you to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, but enlarged open pores can also be a cause for concern.

What Causes Open Pores?

Causes of large pores

There are several factors, which can responsible for large open pores on face.

Keep reading!

  • Genetics
  • Sun exposure
  • Aging
  • Excess sebum (oil) production
  • Hygiene
  • Hormonal changes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Smoking
  • Improper Diet
  • Use of Low-Quality Cosmetics
  • Certain Facial Scrubs
  • Too much Makeup

Types of Open Pores

There are mostly 3 types of open pores, that can appear in people. such as,

types of open pores
Image source - shutterstock.com

1. O-Shaped Open Pores on Face

These O-shaped pores are round in shape and they are mostly to appear on your T-zone.

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, then this type of large open pores tends to appear.

2. U-Shaped Pores

These types of pores mostly appear on people, who have dry skin.

3. Y-Shaped Pores

As your age is growing, the collagen production in your skin reduces. These types of pores appear in the shape of a water drop. And they mostly appear on the cheeks.

How to Close Open Pores on face permanently?

How to Reduce Size of large pores?

1. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating your skin removes all dirt, dead skin cells of your skin and also removes its top layer. Use a gentle exfoliator to exfoliate your face twice a week.

It will prevent clogged pores and make your skin looking tighter, smoother, and firmer. Regular exfoliation also increases skin natural elasticity.

2. Use a Clay mask

how to shrink pores naturally?

clay mask for open pores

Clay mask is one of the best masks for close open pores on the face. Clay masks can help you to tighten your pores.

This clay mask will dry up the sebum from deeper layers of your skin. And it also reduces inflammation. That will tighten your pores and firm your skin well.

3. Remove Acne (Cure Acne)

Acne is a major factor in large open pores. So first, treat your acne as soon as will help to reduce the appearance of large pores. And it also prevents future damage and breakouts.

4. Use Essential Oils

It is most recommended to use essential oils like cinnamon bark oil to close open pores on face permanently. This oil contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. That can improve the overall texture of your skin.  And it also makes your skin firm.

Mix essential oil with your favorite carrier oil and apply it to the affected area. And leave it for 20 minutes. But if you have oily skin, then do not leave this mixture for more than 10-15 minutes.

5. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Several studies say that alpha hydroxy acids can reduce pore size and make your skin smoother and tighter.

This acid work as an exfoliator to increase collagen production in the body. And it increases your skin elasticity to keep it firm and smooth.

Glycolic acid is one of the most commonly used Alpha-Hydroxy acids to close open pores on the face. Which is also used in Chemical peels medical treatment for the skin.

6. Use Topical Retinoids

Topical retinoids will remove the top layers of your skin. which can reduce the appearance of large pores.

But, these topical retinoids have some side effects, such as sun sensitivity, dry skin, and redness. So Always remember that, do not use this method more than once a day.

Medical treatments to reduce the size of the large pores

How to minimize large pores?

1. Chemical Peels treatment

chemical peels treatment

Your dermatologist may suggest you a chemical peel treatment according to your skin type and how your pores large and deep appears on your skin.

If you have oily skin and it causes large pores, then chemical peels with hyaluronic acid are recommended by your dermatologist.

This treatment works as an exfoliator, which increases speed-up the process of exfoliation and improves its elasticity.

2. Laser Resurfacing treatment for large pores

Laser therapy treatment will rejuvenate the skin, which makes your skin texture smooth and make your skin tone even.

Talk to your dermatologist, before using this treatment, he will recommend the laser treatment based on your skin type and medical history.

Natural Ways to close Open pores on face

How to Get Rid of Open Pores on Face Naturally?

Here are the top 5 home remedies for close open pores naturally, that will help you to reduce large pores fast and permanently.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar to close open pores

Apple cider vinegar is best known as a natural toner to tighten the skin, minimize the open pores and reduce inflammation.

honey with apple cider vinegar

Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of Water
  • A cotton ball

How To Use?

  • Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip into that mixture and dab it on your face evenly.
  • Let it dry for 15 minutes.
  • Use this natural skin toner daily after washing your face at night to shrink pores naturally at home.

2. Aloe vera for minimizing pores naturally

How to close open pores?

Aloe vera contains zinc, Which will help you to tighten your pores, hydrate the skin, and unclogs the pores.

Aloe vera cleanses your skin and removes all dirt and excess oil from your pores. It will reduce the large pores and make your skin texture even.

aloe vera and honey hair mask

Ingredients you need

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh Aloe vera gel

How To Use?

  • Apply aloe vera gel on your open pores and massage it gently for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
  • Repeat this method every day to close your pores fast and permanently.

3. Egg White Mask

How to close open pores on dry skin?

The egg-white natural mask can tighten your skin and help you to shrink the open pores. If you use this mask regularly, it will minimize your pores and improve your skin elasticity and quality.

multani mitti and egg face pack
Image source : shutterstock.com

Ingredients you need

  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal powder
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

How To Use?

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this mixture to your face, spread it evenly.
  • Keep it on for 30 minutes and rinse it with normal water.
  • Repeat this method twice a week to shrink pores naturally.

4. Papaya Mask for close pores on face

How to close pores on face?

Papaya is well known for its amazing cleansing properties, which can help you to unclog pores.

Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants, enzymes, and papain, which can help you to reduce blemishes and unclog pores.

Still, confused? How to close open pores on face permanently?

Don’t worry! Try this simple papaya remedy to close pores on the face naturally and fast.


Ingredients you need

  • 5 to 6 Ripe papaya pieces

How To Use?

  • Mash the pieces of papaya and make a smooth paste.
  • Apply it to your face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Then Rinse it off with normal water.
  • Repeat this recipe twice a week to get the best result.

5. Multani Mitti to minimize enlarged pores

how to get rid of pores on face?

Multani mitti is best for all skin types, but it works wonders on oily skin. It is a great natural cleanser, that can absorb excess oil and deeply cleanses the skin.

Multani mitti will make your skin looking glowing, fresh, and tighter and it will also unclog the pores.

multani mitti
Image source : shutterstock.com

Ingredients you need

  • 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti
  • 2 tablespoons of rose water
  • 1 tablespoon of milk

How To Use?

  • Mix rose water and milk with Multani mitti and make a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face evenly.
  • Let it dry completely for around 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse it with normal water.
  • Use this remedy at least twice a week to get the best result. And it will close the pores on your face fast and permanently.

How to prevent open pores on face?

Tips to prevent large pores on face permanently?

Here are some tips, that can help you prevent open pores on the face.

Take a look!

  1. Drink lots of water (8 to 10 glasses of water), stay hydrated to keep your skin moisturized and nourished and it will prevent your skin from drying up.
  2. Wash your face regularly (at least twice a day) with a mild cleanser, to keep the pores clean. It will remove all dirt and excess oil, which can prevent further damage and acne.
  3. Wear sunscreen daily to prevent your skin from harsh sun exposure and it will also reduce the production of excess sebum in your skin.
  4. Exfoliate your skin regular basis to remove all dirt and dead skin cells.
  5. Always remove your all makeup, before going to bed.
  6. Take deep-pore cleansing, at least once a month, to keep the pores clear and oil-free.
  7. Always use lukewarm water or cool water for washing your face. Do not use hot water, it will strip all the natural oils from your skin and make it very dry and dull-looking.
  8. Eat healthy foods, that can improve your skin texture and tone. Eat fruits and green vegetables.
  9. Always remember that, do not squeeze blackheads or pimples.


  1. Don’t Over-Exfoliate Your Skin, which will make the skin pores even larger.
  2. Do not pop up your pimples, Popping the pimples only spreads more bacteria and making pores appear larger. And it will cause itching, which damages your skin.
  3. Do not expose your skin to sunlight. UV rays of the sun will damage your skin and increase the size of pores.
  4. Do not Apply Ice directly on the face. It will damage the delicate tissues in your skin. And hamper the blood flow, which creates other skin issues. So, it is suggested to wrap the ice in a towel to reduce the risk.
  5. Do not use hot water for washing your face, it can strip out the natural oils from the skin, which makes it very dry. Use Lukewarm water or cold water.


Open pores are tiny openings on the skin, that mostly appear in people with oily or combination skin.

These open pores can be caused by many factors like hormonal changes, genetics, sun exposure, aging, etc…

To minimize these large pores on your face, you can try medical treatments such as chemical peels or also take care of things like, exfoliate regularly, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, use a clay mask, use essential oils, etc…

You can also use a natural mask to close open pores fast and permanently.

But if you want to use open pores treatment, then first, go to your dermatologist to take suggestions about what treatment you should use for your skin type and concern.

FAQ On How to close open pores on face permanently?

Q-1 Can pore be removed permanently?

Ans. No, it is not possible to remove very large pores permanently through treatments or home remedies. But by using these remedies and treatments, you can definitely see the big difference.

Q-2 Why Am I Getting Large Open Pores?

Ans. There are several responsible factors of open pores, such as oily skin, hormonal changes, sun damage, and genetics can responsible for increase the size of your open pores.

Q-3  What Can I eat for closing pores on my face?

Ans. You should add in your diet healthy foods such as fiber-rich, Fresh juices, Vitamin C-rich foods, Cucumber, radish, and tomato, which will help you to reduce the open pores on your face.