Do you like summer just because of wearing shorts and tiny dresses?

But, you can’t, because you feel very uncomfortable with your dry, parched, strawberry skin legs.

And really confused about how to get smooth legs?

Don’t worry! You are at the right place. I have a perfect solution to your problem.

In this article, you will learn 15 amazing simple tips and methods to get smoother legs.

If you want to rock your sexy legs, then follow these smooth legs tips and I promise you will get silky, buttery smooth legs forever.

Have a look!

How to Get Smooth Legs?

Follow these below 15 ways to get smooth, soft legs even in the winter.

1. Drink lots of water

drinking water

If you want healthy, glowing, and flawless legs skin, then it is most important to always stay hydrated.

You can hydrate your skin by doing moisturizing from the outside.

But it is also needed to keep your skin nourished and hydrated from the inside.

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every single day is a must need.

You will definitely see a huge difference in the beauty of your skin. Your skin will become very soft, shiny, and glowing.

2. Dry Brush Your Legs Skin Regularly

dry brush legs

Another way to make your legs skin soft and glowing is to dry brush your legs.

It will remove all dead skin cells and increase blood circulation.

And it will allow the other beauty products to absorb better. That will make your legs looking more toned and sexy.

How to dry brush your legs?

  • Before taking the shower, brush your legs in an upward motion.
  • If you have dark patches on your knees or dry skin on your legs, then dry brush your legs regularly.
  • It will remove the dead skin, impurities and always keep the legs skin barrier in good shape.

3. Exfoliate your Legs with a good body scrub

exfoliate legs

Exfoliate your legs regularly, it will keep your legs skin smooth, glowing, and flawless.

It will remove the dead skin cells and impurities from your legs, which will keep your legs skin smooth, glowing, and flawless.

How to exfoliate your legs?

  • Choose an exfoliator containing coconut in it, which can help you nourish your skin.
  • It is recommended to exfoliate your legs a few hours before to hair removal steps of your legs. So all the dead skin cells will remove.
  • Before scrubbing your legs, rub a small amount of product on your skin to make sure you don’t have any bad reactions.
  • Then apply the scrub to your legs and gently rub it in a circular motion for few minutes.
  • And then wash it off. You can also use homemade scrubs to exfoliate your legs.
  • Use this exfoliator twice a week to get the smooth, soft, and sexier legs faster.
  • But make sure, don’t over-exfoliate your legs, it can damage your skin.

4. Use a hydrating body wash in your daily shower

  • Somebody washes or soaps contain very harsh chemicals, which strip away your natural oils from the skin.
  • To keep your skin nourished, hydrated, smooth, and creamy try to include a nourishing body wash in your daily shower.
  • If you want to use bar soap in your shower, use a glycerin-based soap containing coconut oil, Argan, and almond ingredients.

5. Shave your Legs regularly

How to get smooth legs?

how to shave legs

As you already know, Waxing is the best method for hair removal.

But in today’s hectic lifestyle, no one has enough time to pamper herself. So most of prefer hair removal methods like shaving legs with a razer.

But by using shaving you need to be careful and cautious.

Follow the below method to shaving your legs at home.

How to Shave legs?

  • Ensure that, you do the shaving very gently and smoothly. Always shave your legs in a small section.
  • Before start shaving, wash your razor properly and then again wash it after shaving one section.
  • Before shaving your legs, apply the shaving gel or other shaving form.
  • Always, remember that, shave your legs in the direction of your hair growth. It can help you to prevent hair tugging and pulling. which also prevents ingrown hairs. Then wash it off.
  • Make you that, keep your razor in a clean dry place, and replace your blade every 5-7 shaves.

6. Wax every few weeks if you don't like shaving

leg waxing

Another best way to shave your legs with the waxing method.

Waxing definitely lasts longer than shaving. For doing waxing, you need to follow the below steps.

How to shave your legs with waxing?

  • Apply the wax on your legs in the same direction of hair growth.
  • And then pull the wax in opposite direction with strips.
  • If you don’t want to use heat wax on your legs, then you can also use readymade waxing strips, which are very easy to use.

7. Apply Moisturizer (Body lotion) Daily After Shower

moisturize your legs

There are many factors responsible for dry skin. Such as sun exposure, air conditioner, dry weather, etc.

Apply Moisturizer on your legs right after taking shower. It is very important to give your skin good hydration.

That will keep it very healthy and glowing looking.

How to Moisturize your legs?

  • After taking shower within 5 minutes, when your skin is a little damp apply a thick layer of a good moisturizer all over your legs. And massage it for 2 minutes.
  • Then, wait for at least 5 to 7 minutes to soak the product well into your skin.
  • It will lock the moisture in your skin to get soft, smooth legs.

8. Apply Sunscreen Every Single Day

Use sunscreen every single day is must be needed.

It will prevent your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and also prevent premature, wrinkles and further skin damage.

How to use sunscreen on your legs?

  • It is best to apply an even layer of a good SPF sunscreen before 30 minutes, whenever you go outside.
  • If your work is mostly outside, then use more than 30 SPF sunscreen.
  • Apply sunscreen every single day if there is a cloudy day or sunny day.

9. Apply body Oil over your legs

legs oil massage

Oil massage to your body will keep your skin rejuvenate, replenish, hydrate, and nourish your skin.

How to apply body oil to your legs?

  • Before going to bed at night, Apply a thin layer of body oil all over your legs.
  • And massage it upwards from the ankle for 2 to 5 minutes to stretch out the tight muscles and drain out lymph fluid.
  • These will keep your legs moisturized and glowing throughout the day.

10. Don’t Forget Your Feet

feet care

Like your beautiful legs, feet are also the most important part of your body. Give them enough care and pampering.

Follow these below steps to get a healthy foot.

How to take care of your feet?

  • Always clean your feet.
  • Moisturize your feet regularly.
  • Scrub your feet with a good exfoliator, when showering or taking a bath.
  • Don’t forget to apply sunscreen.
  • Wear socks and also wear comfortable shoes.

11. Use a Humidifier at your home


If you leave in a country or place, where the air is usually dry and therefore our skin will also become dry.

  • Use a humidifier at your home to reduce the loss of moisture. A humidifier is an easy fix for dry skin.

12. Try laser hair removal for a long-term solution

You can also use a laser hair removal treatment for a long-term permanent solution.

  • In this treatment, a doctor will remove body hair with a laser. It will take a few sessions to see a full complete result.
  • Over the few sessions, it will remove all the hair completely.

13. Get healthy Food & Exercise regularly

legs exercise

If you want smooth legs, you must eat healthy food and exercise regularly to achieve the best result.

  • Choose a good weight training program to tone and firm the muscles in your legs and feet.
  • Squats and lunges are great exercises that make your leg muscles strong.

14. Use Leg Highlighter

Do you know that you can use makeup for not only your face but also for beautiful glowing legs?

How to use a highlighter to get smoother glowing legs?

  • Use body highlighter to get smooth and shiny legs in a minute.
  • Apply a highlighter on the center of your legs and blend it well with your hands to get gorgeous glowing legs.

15. Increase Blood Circulation

  • Before taking shower, first, use cold water for 5 seconds, then use warm water.
  • Then moving the showerhead from your ankles to your hips.
  • Repeat this process three times. This method creates a toning effect and increases your blood circulation.
  • Therefore, it helps your skin to absorb your moisturizer quickly and deeply.

Quick tips on how to get smooth legs?

How to make your legs smooth?

  1. Stay Hydrated (Drink lots of water)
  2. Dry Brush Your Legs Skin Regularly
  3. Exfoliate your Legs with a good body scrub
  4. Add hydrating body wash in your daily shower
  5. Shave your Legs or waxing it regularly
  6. Wax every few weeks if you don’t like shaving.
  7. Apply Moisturizer (Body lotion) Daily After Shower
  8. Apply Sunscreen Every Single Day to prevent your legs from sun exposure
  9. Apply a body Oil over your legs and massage it well
  10. Don’t Forget Your Feet – cure your feet
  11. Use a Humidifier at your home to
  12. Try laser hair removal for a long-term permanent solution
  13. Eat Healthy Food
  14. Exercise regularly to get smooth legs
  15. Use Leg Highlighter to get smooth shiny legs


How to get smooth skin on legs?

If you want smooth shiny legs, then consider some above tips to get beautiful shiny legs.

Add moisturizer, sunscreen, scrub, body oil, and dry brush to your daily skincare routine.

And shave or waxing your legs is also an important step to get smooth legs.

Follow these all tips regularly and add healthy food and lots of water to your diet to getting smooth, sexier legs.

FAQ On How to get smooth legs?

Q-1  How can you make your legs smooth without bumps?

Ans. Follow these below steps to get smooth legs without bumps.

  1. Soak Your Legs that allow the pores to open up.
  2. Exfoliate your legs with a Scrub.
  3. Apply moisturizer
  4. Wear sunscreen

Q-2  What are home remedies to make legs smooth?

Ans. Here is a list of natural ways to get smooth legs,

  • Use Baking soda to prep your legs.
  • Sugar and lemon for waxing your legs
  • Apply Coconut oil as a moisturizer
  • Brown sugar and olive oil remedy for scrubbing legs